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- Aida (1942) — Afrika Korps advance into Egypt.
Aida (1942) — Afrika Korps memasuki wilayah Mesir. - By this stage the Afrika Korps had only 26 operational tanks.
Pada tahap ini Afrika Korps hanya 26 tank operasional. - Meanwhile, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel had already arrived with his Afrika Korps.
2 Juni - Marshall Erwin Rommel serang Afrika Utara. - By the end of the day's fighting, the Afrika Korps had 37 tanks left out of its initial complement of 55.
Pada akhir pertempuran hari itu, para Afrika Korps memiliki 37 tangki ditinggalkan komplemen awal dari 55. - The 15th and 21st Panzer Divisions of the Afrika Korps were delayed by a sandstorm and then a heavy air attack.
15 dan Divisi Panzer ke-21 dari Korps Afrika yang tertunda oleh badai pasir dan kemudian serangan udara berat.